Creative arts is mandatory for students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
In creative arts, students discover a variety of art forms through a study of dance, drama, music and visual arts where they learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform.
Each art form has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives.
Creative Arts
Music has a strong focus at Taverners Hill. The children have regular opportunities to sing and perform at weekly assemblies, fetes and special celebrations.
Each week during Whole School Singing the students learn new songs related to term themes, from different cultures and for special celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. Each year in Term Three we present a whole school musical. Every child has a role in the whole school production singing and dancing to a large audience. The Year Two students take the speaking roles in the musical. Leichhardt PS and Fort St HS generously allow us to use their school halls for our musical.
Our P&C funds a music teacher who takes each class for a 40 minute lesson each week. The classes have a variety of musical experiences from playing tuned & untuned percussion instruments, movement and singing games or composing their own music.
Our Year Two students learn the recorder. This assists our students join band programs at their Year 3-6 schools.
Visual Art
Visual arts is integrated across all the key learning areas to support and enhance the students learning. The students are taught drawing, painting and mixed media techniques. The students visual arts work is displayed around our school.
Each year Taverners Hill participates in the Public Schools Arts Festival held at the Addison Road Community Centre. Our students also participate in the Inner West Libraries Book Week drawing competition.
Drama is integrated across the curriculum. Our students drama skills are displayed during the school musical and in class items at Friday assemblies. Many of our students also participate in after school drama lessons each week.
For our school musical each year we engage a choreographer to develop dances for the songs in the musical. The choreographer teaches the dances to the students which are then practised and refined by class teachers during Term 3. Each class performs one or two dances for the musical.
Classes often perform dance and singing items at Friday assemblies.
Our students often participate in music, art, dance and drama incursions during the year.